Vilde 88 korteriühistu kevadtalgud

Harjumaa, Tallinn, Mustamäe linnaosa, Vilde tee 88

  • Maintenance
  • Apartment associations
  • Other collective actions
  • Rubbish clean-up
Event was held on 11. mai 2024
What will be done Keldrite ja panipaikade koristamine, akende pesemine. Prügikonteiner tuuakse kohale 10. mail ja viiakse ära 13. mail. Уборка подвалов, мытье окон. Мусорный контейнер будет доставлен 10 мая и вывезен 13 мая.
Max number of people 119
Vacant spots 117
Foreman Anne Räpp
Languages spoken by the foreman Estonian, Russian
Event code 240326006
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