What will be done | Istutuskastide valmistamine, kooliümbruse korrastamine, elurikkuse talguteks ettevalmistus |
Max number of people | 100 |
Vacant spots | 0 |
Foreman | Triinu Kotov |
Languages spoken by the foreman | Estonian |
Event code | 230427010 |
Võrumaa, Setomaa vald, Värska alevik
What will be done | Istutuskastide valmistamine, kooliümbruse korrastamine, elurikkuse talguteks ettevalmistus |
Max number of people | 100 |
Vacant spots | 0 |
Foreman | Triinu Kotov |
Languages spoken by the foreman | Estonian |
Event code | 230427010 |