Surfy talgud Havenis ja rannas

Harjumaa, Tallinn, Haabersti linnaosa, Nooda tee 8 Haven Kakumäe jahisadamas Surfy surfikool ning liivarand

  • Maintenance
  • Rubbish clean-up
Event was held on 29. aprill 2023
What will be done Prügikoristus, värvimine, rannas vetikate riisumine, trepi ehitus (puutöö).
Max number of people 12
Vacant spots 6
Foreman Jane Aluve
Languages spoken by the foreman Estonian, English
Location of the meeting place Surfys - Nooda tee 8 Haven kakumäe jahisadamas.
Other necessary information Kui on siis kaasa reha, labidas, kindad, pintsel.
Event code 230412077
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