Peetri aleviku heakorratalgud

Harjumaa, Rae vald, Peetri alevik, Pargi tee 6

  • Maintenance
  • Rubbish clean-up
Event was held on 30. aprill 2022
What will be done Prügi koristamine aleviku avalikust ruumist.
Max number of people 100
Vacant spots 74
Foreman Margus Laula
Languages spoken by the foreman Estonian, Russian, English, Finnish
Location of the meeting place Peetri Lasteaed-Põhikooli ees parklas
Other necessary information Võta kaasa naaber ja rõõmus meel. Riietu vastavalt ilmale. Prügikotid ja kindad jagatakse kohapeal.
Event code 220406003
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