Pala lasteaia elurikkuse elavdamise talgud

Tartumaa, Peipsiääre vald, Pala, Pala Lasteaed

  • Biodiversity in school...
  • Maintenance
  • Nature conservation
Event was held on 03. mai 2024
What will be done Teeme lastega putukahotelle, linnumajasid, istutame lasteaia aeda taimi, korrastame minikasvuhoone ning teeme heakorratöid - riisume, pühime, korrastame, puhastame.
Max number of people 30
Vacant spots 0
Foreman Keity Raudmäe
Languages spoken by the foreman Estonian
Location of the meeting place Koguneme 03. mai hommikul.
Event code 240418022
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