Loodusega koos! Koeru Hooldekeskuse talgupäev 9.mail.

Järvamaa, Järva vald, Koeru alevik, Ida 2, Koeru

  • Maintenance
  • Flower meadow
  • Nature conservation
  • Rubbish clean-up
  • Insect hotel
  • Water safety
Event was held on 09. mai 2022
What will be done Heakorratööd, putukahotelli rajamine, veeohutuse tagamine, lilleniidu rajamine
Max number of people 70
Vacant spots 16
Foreman Terje Teder
Languages spoken by the foreman Estonian, Russian, English
Location of the meeting place Hooldekeskuse peasissepääsu juures
Event code 220406025
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