What will be done | Heakord, viljapuude korrastamine, söömine |
Max number of people | 10 |
Vacant spots | 0 |
Foreman | Tiina Türk |
Languages spoken by the foreman | Estonian |
Location of the meeting place | Kell 10.30 |
Event code | 230411148 |
Jõgevamaa, Põltsamaa vald, Sopimetsa, Auavälja talu
What will be done | Heakord, viljapuude korrastamine, söömine |
Max number of people | 10 |
Vacant spots | 0 |
Foreman | Tiina Türk |
Languages spoken by the foreman | Estonian |
Location of the meeting place | Kell 10.30 |
Event code | 230411148 |